U Giving Day Toolkit 2025

Giving Day April 8-9, 2025

Become a U Giving Day Champion

Help Spread The Word

Help us spread the word about U Giving Day and maximize our impact on students and the community. We’re asking YOU to be a Giving Day Champion!

Yes, we’re talking to you! As a champion, you’ll play a key role in spreading the Giving Day message to as many people as possible using your personal networks of friends and family via email and social media. Being a champion doesn’t have to take a long time but is a rewarding experience – and you’ll making a huge difference at the University of Utah.

5 Ways to Be a U Giving Day Champion

  1. Sign up to be a champion – you’ll get your own link to track your success!
  2. Visit giving.utah.edu/givingday to see what other Champions are sharing and explore the latest social media posts!
  3. Share #UGivingDay content on your personal social networks.
  4. Send 2 – 3 emails or texts to close friends to encourage them to participate in U Giving Day.
  5. Post a #unselfie. The #Unselfie is a great way to show your support for a cause. Simply write down the project you are supporting and snap a picture of you with your sign. Upload the picture to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Invite donors in your circle to also share a #unselfie photo! Click HERE to download your printable sign.

Use Official Hashtags

  • #UGivingDay
  • #UniversityofUtah