Text Message Templates
Things to Consider
- We recommend sending three text messages over three days (one per day) to at least 10 people.
- Do not include the link in your first text message. Try to spark a conversation and be ready to send your personalized link when someone expresses an interest.
- Feel free to customize these templates as much as you like. Texting is a highly personal form of communication and the more it sounds like YOU, the better!
- Include the first name of the person you are texting to make it even more effective.
- When multiple options are suggested for each day, pick your favorite template!
Example – Initiating conversation:
Hello NAME! U Giving Day is tomorrow. I’m supporting ___ because it’s a cause that is important to me. Would you be interested in learning more about this?
Try to spark a conversation with your friend about U Giving Day and the cause you are supporting. Tell them why it is important to you and why you’ve decided to be a champion to help raise funds.
Suggested Dates
April 7 – Pre-Giving Day
Suggested Text: Hi NAME! I’m reaching out to a few friends because tomorrow its U Giving Day – and you can probably guess that this is important to me! I’m supporting ___. Would you be interested in learning more about this?
Objective: An alternative option for sparking a conversation. This message is likely to lead to a yes or a no response, so be ready to change their mind if they say no! Tell them why it is important to you and why you’ve decided to be a champion. If they respond yes, tell them you’ll send them your link tomorrow.
April 8 – Giving Day
Suggested Text: Hi again! U Giving Day is underway, and I’ve set myself a goal of securing 5 donations for ____. I’ve made the first gift – will you join me?
Objective: Challenge them to join you in giving to your chosen cause. Feel free to include how much you gave and suggest an amount for them to give.
April 8 – Giving Day #2
Suggested Text: Hey NAME! We just kicked off 1850 minutes of fundraising for U Giving Day. I’m proud to be supporting a program that is important to me – ______. What is your favorite thing about the U?
Objective: An alternative option for launch day message. In this version you’re still sparking a conversation about what they care about, versus making the direct ask. Be ready to make your ask in a follow up message.
April 9 – Giving Day
Suggested Text: Hey Name! ____ has received __ donations totaling $____ on U Giving Day so far. Excited to see how much this means to people. Would you be able to join me in making a gift of $___ to help us reach the goal?
Objective: Update on U Giving Day and specifically for the cause you are championing.
April 9 – Giving Day #2
Suggested Text: NAME, I’m so proud of the U! U Giving Day is almost over but thousands of donors have made an enormous impact already. Isn’t that amazing? Did you make a gift yet? There’s still time – can I send you a link to donate?
Objective: This is a more general message to get late donations towards closing time. Focus on the overall results and ask if they are one of the many donors.
April 10/11 – Post-Giving Day
Suggested Text: THANK YOU for support to the U during U Giving Day! I’m so proud of all my friends who made a difference. They’re still counting the donations, but it looks like we raised over $____ – incredible! Thanks again, NAME.
Objective: Say thank you to people who told you they would donate. This is an important stewardship step!
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