Committed to bringing people from diverse cultural traditions together, Cheryl and Robert Marzec appreciate that “PBS Utah is part of our community and one way we connect with the community. Anything that brings us closer together is a good thing.” As PBS Utah Broadcasters Club members, they proudly support programs that are locally produced and address issues of local interest.
Robert met Murray native, Cheryl, shortly after relocating to Utah in 1983. They have spent decades getting to know—and coming to love—the people and places throughout the state and southwest. Cheryl’s professional accomplishments include leading Sinbad Tours and working as a consultant in Quality Management. Robert retired after 29 years at L-3 Communications (now Harris-L3). They combined their talents as touring company owners, sharing their love of the West, including the Navajo and Hopi reservations. Their commitment to “community” inspired them to establish Sumi Nungwa, a non-profit company dedicated to providing food, fuel and other essentials to Native Elders of the Navajo and Hopi reservations in Arizona. Sumi Nungwa is a Hopi term that means “coming together for the benefit of all.” The Marzec’s commitment to bringing people together has resulted in supporting, understanding, and helping to preserve the Native American way of life. For the past 25 years, Cheryl, Robert, and a team of dedicated Sumi Nungwa volunteers have traveled countless miles to bring needed support to Native Elders.
Cheryl and Robert consider their legacy to be a combination of the way they live their daily lives and planning for the distribution of their estate following death. While alive, their time is spent addressing issues that positively impact communities. Their estate plan defines a Legacy Circle gift that ensures future generations will continue to benefit from PBS Utah programs and services.
Robert and Cheryl have been a welcome presence at the Eccles Broadcast Center for nearly 40 years. PBS Utah is honored to have these community focused individuals as supporters and members of our Legacy Circle.