Both Katrina Phillips and her husband, John Phillips, graduated from the University of Utah College of Pharmacy and went onto prosperous and fulfilling careers in pharmacy. They lived in eight different cities and seven different states as a result of John’s hospital management career, which offered Katrina a variety of professional opportunities. She thrived in each one.
So, after Katrina passed away in 2011, John thought it would be fitting to establish a scholarship for pharmacy students in her name. As John related in his 2021 address to University of Utah pharmacy students, “We felt many of the blessings that we received in life were because of the education we received at the College of Pharmacy. It was a no-brainer to establish a scholarship in her name that would allow future students to achieve their dreams.”
John established the scholarship through a gift from his retirement account that satisfied his required minimum distribution in a tax-efficient manner. He also intends to add to the scholarship through a gift coming from his estate. Yet, beyond the benefit of tax savings, John feels blessed to have created this legacy in honor of his late wife. “If this scholarship in some small way helps a student achieve their dreams and put them on a path for success…then that is a true blessing to Katrina and me.” Through John’s legacy gift he’s spreading Katrina’s wish for students’ lives to be as full and joyous as hers.