Lecture by Dr. Randall Irmis, Paleontology Curator, Natural History Museum of Utah
Past Lectures
Dinosaurs, Deserts, and Helicopters: Paleontology in the Grand Staircase of Southern Utah
DNA Sequencing: The Utah Genome Project
Lecture by Dr. Lynn Jorde, Professor and Chair, Department of Human Genetics
Creativity in the Wild
Lecture by Dr. David Strayer, Professor, Cognition and Neural Science, Department of Psychology
Let the Sun Shine In…But Protect Your Skin!
Lecture by Dr. Sancy Leachman, Director, Melanoma and Cutaneous Oncology Program, Huntsman Cancer Institute
Of Knockout Mice and Men: The Genetics of Development
Lecture by Dr. Mario R. Capecchi, Co-Chair and Distinguished Professor, Department of Human Genetics
From Environment Through Forensics: The Fabulous World of Stable Isotopes
Lecture by James R. Ehleringer, Distinguished Professor, Department of Biology
Killer Snails Make Pain Medicine
Lecture by Baldomero “Toto” Olivera, Distinguished Professor, Department of Biology
Range Creek: Past, Present, and Future
Lecture by Duncan Metcalfe, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology
Islam, Islamism, and the Study of the Middle East
Lecture by Professor Ibrahim A. Karawan, Director, Middle East Center
Geography of Terrorism
Lecture by Dr. George Hepner, DEPARTMENT OF Geography