Lecture by Dr. David W. Grainger and Ted McAleer
Date: May 12, 2009
David W. Grainger, Ph.D., Eccles Presidential Professor and Chair of Utah’s internationally ranked Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry discussed research programs that he and his colleagues conduct using combinations of new biomaterials, drug delivery tools, diagnostic devices, and nanotechnology relating to disease detection and therapy. These interdisciplinary activities enabled by USTAR and Utah’s nanomedicine teams are providing new knowledge and technologies. Related breakthroughs provide keys to near-term opportunities in “personalized healthcare” for Utahns.
USTAR, a state-funded technology-based economic development initiative, is making significant investments in nanotechnology and personalized healthcare. Where these disciplines meet promises to revolutionize how we treat diseases through the development of highly targeted drug delivery. Researchers at the University of Utah are making dramatic discoveries that could improve the patient’s experience and grow Utah’s life sciences economy. Ted McAleer, Executive Director of the USTAR, discussed the interdisciplinary approach of the initiative.